
BizInt Smart Charts
Drug Development Suite

BizInt Smart Charts Drug Development Suite helps you create, customize and distribute tabular reports combining data from the leading drug pipeline and clinical trial databases.

Import the results of your searches and create reports from supported hosts and databases including Citeline Pharmaprojects & TrialTrove, Adis R&D and Clinical Trials Insight, Cortellis,, and now -- GlobalData.

BizInt Smart Charts Drug Development Suite is Windows software installed on your desktop, and is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11.

Learn More

Watch our PHT Vendor Showcase video to learn more.

How Does BizInt Smart Charts Work?

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Import search results and create reports
  • BizInt Smart Charts knows how to extract the key data elements — no more copy/paste or maintaining Excel macros!
  • Quickly create pipeline or trial reports containing text, subtables and images, with links to full records.

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Integrate data from different sources
  • Combine searches from multiple pipeline databases or multiple clinical trials databases into a single integrated report.
  • Assign a Common Drug Name to records related to the same drug, based on drug synonyms.
  • Or, match up trial identifiers and assign a Common Trial ID to each set of related trial records.

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Merge data into a single integrated row
  • Select preferred content from each database.
  • "Stitch" selected data into a single integrated row.
  • Choose between conflicting values.

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Update reports and identify changes
  • Update a previous report with new information.
  • New records and updated information (including new publications) are automatically flagged.

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Distribute reports to your clients and colleagues
  • Export options include Word, Excel, PDF and HTML.
  • Reports can include the table and associated records, with automatically generated links to full-text sources.



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