Products: BizInt Smart Charts for Patents

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BizInt Smart Charts for Patents Version 5.9.2 (2025-02-01)

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Each version of BizInt Smart Charts has a fixed lifetime. Learn more.

What's New in the Last 18 Months

Problems building reports from Orbit Intelligence (2025-02-01)

If you use Orbit Intelligence with BizInt Smart Charts for Patents you may have noticed some problems such as incomplete fields or missing records.

At this time, we suggest that you use the XML export on Orbit, rather than the BizInt export.

Orbit released a new search engine last year and is still working on some issues for the new BizInt export. Once the Orbit team releases the final BizInt export, we will need to release a new version of BizInt Smart Charts for Patents to support this export.

Update to Smart Data Integrator Version 5.6.4 (2025-01-27)

We've released a new version of the Smart Data Integrator which fixes some issues when the integrated chart contains hidden rows. This build includes the most recent BizInt Smart Charts for Patents.

  • Fixes a problem with applying column rules to integrated charts with hidden rows.
  • Fixes a hang when exporting an integrated chart with hidden rows to Excel.

New and Fixed in Version 5.9.2 (2025-01-05)

  • Reference Rows is rebranded as the Smart Data Integrator. You may see references to "the Integrator" and to "integrated rows".
  • STN: Fix the extraction of alignments when using algorithms other than BLAST. Fixed an issue with HITPPAK exceeding the maximum text length.
  • PatBase: Family Notes may come from any publication in a family. When building charts from publication level data, notes from family members other than the current publication are not displayed.
  • GenomeQuest: Added support for Discovery Browser annotations - selection, color, stars, and notes.
  • Ovid: Added new database segment labels for BIOSIS. Added two new columns: "Conference" and "Electronic Pub Date".
  • Exports: Fixed layout of subtables in Word exports. Added a "BizInt Original" export style, which tries to reproduce the old export style. Fixed a bug in USPTO links.

Fixed in Version 5.9.1 (2024-08-06)

This is a minor bug fix release.

  • PatBase: fixed an issue with missing line breaks in claims
  • Fixed a potential hang when displaying records.

Introducing Version 5.9 (2024-06-25)

We are pleased to introduce Version 5.9 of BizInt Smart Charts for Patents.

  • Chemistry on STN: Adds several new capabilities for chemistry reports using the BizInt report format from STNext. MARPAT assembled structures are now supported. Color images with hit highlights are now imported from CAplus and MARPAT. See our Hit Structures support page for more details.
  • Note that version 5.9 fixes a serious bug in version 5.8.5 when combining charts with hit structures or hit markush assemblies.
  • New chart creation workflow: You will no longer be asked for chart template during chart creation. By default, a standard "Editor's Choice" chart template is applied to all new charts during import. There is just one default template for all charts at this time.
  • A new Manage Templates command (on the File menu) can be used to delete templates, rename templates, or set a template as the default for new charts. Learn more at our Using Chart Templates support page.
  • Reference Rows: Fixes an issue with row numbering when a chart with hidden rows is sent to Reference Rows.
  • PatBase: Added a number of new fields and fixed issues related to the new BizInt export from PatBase.
  • Patsnap: Introduces support for Patsnap Analytics.

New and Fixed in Version 5.8.5 (2024-05-30)

  • STN: Added initial support for assembled structures in MARPAT on STNext, using the BizInt report export. Several new columns are available, and an Index of Markush Structures is available in summary records exports.
  • PatBase: Fixed a problem importing publication level data. Fixed an issue with hit highlights in claims.
  • Reference Rows: Fixed a crash when trying to Apply Rules Template. Fixed a problem when exporting structure index with hidden reference rows.

New and Fixed in Version 5.8.4 (2024-04-13)

This release offers a first look at enhancements to chart creation workflow and chart template capabilities in BizInt Smart Charts.

  • New chart creation workflow: You will no longer be asked for chart template during chart creation. By default, a standard "Editor's Choice" chart template is applied to all new charts during import. There is one default template for all charts in BizInt Smart Charts for Patents.
  • A new Manage Templates command (on the File menu) can be used to delete templates, rename templates, or set a template as the default for new charts.
  • Chart templates can be used for any chart with the same type of data, regardless of the chart the template was saved from. For example, a chart template created with CAplus can be applied to a chart created from
  • Chart templates are now available in Reference Rows.
  • Most of the old chart templates provided by BizInt are now hidden. You can see them by checking the "Show classic templates" box at the bottom of the dialog. If you find one of these templates to be exactly like you want, we suggest that you apply it to a chart and Save as template... with your own name.
  • PatBase: Added a column "Claims - Independent" containing all independent claims. Cleaned up support for Claims in the new BizInt export, and renamed the column "Claims - First".
  • Patsnap: Fixed a problem which would flag all rows as updated, even if unchanged.
  • Exports: Options for Excel exports are now saved. In Reference Rows, the Chart Only option now works correctly for Word and HTML exports.

New and Fixed in Version 5.8.3 (2024-01-14)

  • Support for PatSnap Analytics using the new BizInt export on PatSnap. Learn more on our PatSnap Analytics support page.
  • CAPlus: Adds support for the Ultimate Owner field.
  • Orbit: Handles a variation in how hit hightlights might appear in the patent family.
  • PatBase: "Rank" is now imported from the new BizInt export.
  • GenomeQuest: Cleaned up claim-text and claim-ref markup within claims.
  • Fixed a problem with patent links where links could appear multiple times in a subtable row (subsequent links were usually broken).

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