Support: Creating Reports from Databases/Hosts
Creating from PatBase Publications
BizInt Smart Charts for Patents can build charts from search results from PatBase.
This page describes how to build charts from Publication level data from a Patbase search. If you want to build a chart from family data, see this page.
Step by Step
- Log on to PatBase, perform your search, and display results.
- Click on the "Save/export" link.

- If you want to export Publication level data for each family in your result, you must select the "Other formats (CSV, XML, ...)" option and press the Export button.

- At the top of the export panel, there is a tab for Family and a tab for Publication. You should choose the Publication tab.

- On the Publication tab, choose the fields that you want to include in your report. We suggest that you always include Family Number, Family Information, and Members List. You probably want to include all of the data that you might want, in addition to the specific fields you need in your report.
- Select XML as the export format and press Export.

- When you pressed Export, Patbase would present you with an XML file to save or open. Save the XML file. You can then import the file (either File Import, by dragging the XML file into BizInt Smart Charts for Patents, or using the Send To menu).